Friday, November 5, 2010

soalan pattern / trend

Examples of questions

  • State the trend/pattern of the  height of the plants.
Menyatakan pola/corak bagi ketinggian pokok
  • Write down the trend of change in the number of swings.
Tuliskan pola perubahan bagi bilangan ayunan.

The sentence

       Increase  (for the data that is increasing)
Meningkat( bagi maklumat yang meningkat)
       Decrease (for the data that is decreasing)
Menurun( bagi maklumat yang menurun)
       Same/unchange (for the data that is the same)
sekata/tidak berubah( bagi maklumat yang sekata)
       Increase, decrease and increase. (for the data that is mixed)
Meningkat,menurun dan meningkat( bagi maklumat yang bercampuran))


There are three containers X, Y and Z filled with 1oo ml of water that is mixed with different amount of sugar. Each container has a slice of mango. After three days, the taste of the mango slice is recorded as shown in the table below.
Terdapat 3 bekas iaitu X, Y dan Z dipenuhi dengan 10ml air yang dimasukkan dengan kuantiti gula yang berbeza. Setiap bekas mempunyai satu hirisan mangga. Selepas 3 hari,rasa bagi hirisan mangga itu dicatatkan seperti jadual di bawah.

Amount of sugar
Kuantiti gula
Taste of mango slice
Rasa hirisan mangga
1 spoonful  
1 sudu penuh
tiada rasa
3 spoonfuls
1 sudu penuh
5 spoonfuls
1 sudu penuh
Very Sweet
 sangat manis


State the trend in the change in the sweetness of the mango slice as the amount of sugar is increased ?
Nyatakan corak perubahan bagi kemanisan buah mangga jika kuantiti gula bertambah?

A study where an object rolls down a steep plane and  the distance traveled by the object is recorded in table below.
Satu kajian di mana satu objek digolek ke bawah menuruni papan condong dan jarak yang dilalui oleh objek itu direkodkan dalam jadual.

Mass of the object (g)
Berat objek

State the trend in the change of the distance traveled by the object.
Nyatakan corak perubahan jarak yang dilalui oleh objek.

soalan latihan.Cuba jawab

rajah 1

The bar charts shows the temperature of water when its was heated.
 Carta bar menunjukkan suhu air apabila dipanaskan

What is the pattern of the temperature of water when the time taken is increasing?.
Apakah corak bagi suhu air apabila masa semakin meningkat?


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